Ali Sam - Erapa

Ali Sam - Erapa


Bunnie Stop Production presents:
Steve Howard's
Ali Sam - Erapa
Open Source Movie Challenge

Entertain Your Best Ideas

Open Source Movie Challenge. It matters not what you can do. It matters only that you do do and whatever it is you do do we want to know. So do do something. Most anything will do.

Entertain Your Best Ideas. Record something. Use the episode code. Put your link in our beta episode at bunnie stop production on youtube. Be there for one episode. Help Steve share a new paradigm. #antivirus

The mighty networking procedure.

The video links are a simple tree:


The trunk is the Book ID: as - is for Ali Sam

The six big branches are: _ep1 - e is for Erapa. That is this Ali Sam Book. p is for part: p1 to p6.

The 36 chapters are _01 to _36.

The episodes of a chapter are defined by the last number. _001

This code will make it possible. And the hash tag: #as_ep3_16_001.

You can make the visuals according to your own fantasy. Read it in the getto or a luxary condo. This is fiction. Do not murder anyone. None of the technology is fiction. That is all the new real. Our next big move. From ocean dwellers to land dwellers. To becoming the gods of the galaxy.

Some of this is for children and some isn't.

Ali Sam - Erapa

chapter 16 _ randy reads a book


< -- Start as_ep3_16_001 text -- >

Like most of Canada’s great cities, Vancouver was great if you could afford it. It wasn’t officially a private club, but practically. It was a city full of money. Sally and Billy had money. The company paid for their stay at Fairmont hotel. Sally and Billy didn’t need two weeks for the two hits but they wanted two weeks. The company wouldn’t question the credit card bill. It was their company. They were there on business. ...

... The second week was reserved for visiting a mountain resort and spending some time outdoors. They both loved the mountains. Billy knew all about how they came to be and told Sally all about mountains on their way through British Columbia.
“Oh, look, they have pie.”

< -- End as_ep3_16_001 text -- >

as_ep3_16_001 read by Steve

Steve and friends read Steve Howard's Ali Sam - Erapa. Open Source Movie Challenge.

Ali Sam - Erapa


< -- Start as_ep3_16_002 text -- >

Zara went to watch her team play against St. Charles. Suzanna wheeled her into the changing room. The team wanted her on the bench. Solidarity. She was happy with that. The old high school basketball team. She left her wheelchair in the change room and walked out with Suzanna’s help. ...

... Brian knew Zara was having sex with Suzanna. Neither talked about it. But he knew. He also knew that some girls who liked girls also liked boys. He knew the other way was true too.

< -- End as_ep3_16_002 text -- >

as_ep3_16_002 read by Ilda

Steve and friends read Steve Howard's Ali Sam - Erapa. Open Source Movie Challenge.

Ali Sam - Erapa


< -- Start as_ep3_16_003 text -- >

Dr. Emmanuel Gibbons was found frozen to death after apparently overshooting a curve and falling down a cliff. Police found him early in the morning after…
Blussah scratched his head. He fit the stereotype. Above the law untouchable multibillionaire. Much of his wealth came from petrochemical business and weapons ...

... “Vancouver is the end of the country.”
Blussah didn’t have to look at a map of the planet to speculate where Angela would go next.

< -- End as_ep3_16_003 text -- >

as_ep3_16_003 read by Stewart

Steve and friends read Steve Howard's Ali Sam - Erapa. Open Source Movie Challenge

Ali Sam - Erapa


< -- Start as_ep3_16_004 text -- >

The doctor told Zara that she could start some careful training, therapy, without her braces. Her bones were healing splendidly. She was young and strong. She must start slow. No basketball for a while yet. She had her first therapy session without braces in a shallow pool. The water helped reduce gravity strain but it also added resistance. ...

... She had heard the same thing from her father when learning a move. The slower you do it at the first, the better your body can understand it. Your head has to teach your body to do new tricks. Increase your tempo gradually. Until your head no longer participates in the movement. That movement then becomes a reaction faster than you can think.

< -- End as_ep3_16_004 text -- >

as_ep3_16_004 read by Steve

Steve and friends read Steve Howard's Ali Sam - Erapa. Open Source Movie Challenge

Ali Sam - Erapa


< -- Start as_ep3_16_005 text -- >

Do to his financial situation: broke, Randy was not in a very good clinic. Inmates weren’t abused too much if they obeyed the rules. As long as Randy took his sedatives he remained fairly free to do as he pleased with the only real restrictions being his confinement. He was permitted his walks in the bleak garden bower. There were a few ...

... The other inmates were always excited to get their drug doses. It wasn’t too hard for Randy to hold two pills between his fingers and pretend to take his medication like he always did. He was careful not to look to see if anyone noticed.

< -- End as_ep3_16_005 text -- >

as_ep3_16_005 read by Steve

Steve and friends read Steve Howard's Ali Sam - Erapa. Open Source Movie Challenge

Ali Sam - Erapa


< -- Start as_ep3_16_006 text -- >

Randy started doing something he had never done before; he started deliberating. He wondered why he wasn’t dead. He speculated about the lawyer. The lawyer had decided, with the consent of his black friend, to let Randy live. Was it an act of generosity or did he plan to torture him. Drive him crazy. He hadn’t made Randy doubt his own mind. He ...

... Need fuel to stop was a bit too much for Randy to picture. But he did reason that the Captain was probably the captain because he knew things. Space didn’t have roads. Randy realized you couldn’t use normal brakes. So how do you stop a spaceship.

< -- End as_ep3_16_006 text -- >

as_ep3_16_006 read by Steve

Steve and friends read Steve Howard's Ali Sam - Erapa. Open Source Movie Challenge

Ali Sam - Erapa


< -- Start as_ep3_16_007 text -- >

Billy had booked one of the biggest rooms on the cruise ship that would take them from Vancouver to Hong Kong. He used their private funds. A sum that was becoming large enough to allow any kind of trip they wanted. Including the trip around the moon. The trip to Hong Kong on a ship would be long and slow. It would be another long break for Sally. ...

... “It will become a religion. They will always remember us.”
Billy tried to look at Sally again while she had the joint to her face.
“You have a good brain, Sally.”
“Thanks, Billy.”

< -- End as_ep3_16_007 text -- >

as_ep3_16_007 read by Stewart

Steve and friends read Steve Howard's Ali Sam - Erapa. Open Source Movie Challenge

Ali Sam - Erapa


< -- Start as_ep3_16_008 text -- >

Randy was taken off his morning sedatives as a test to see how he would do. He hadn’t taken his morning sedatives for weeks. He had no intention of acting like a lunatic. Not as long as he was among lunatics in a hospital trying to control that very thing. ...

... “Okay, Captain. I think I understand.”
Captain Crunch smiled. He could see that the crazy lad was going to start on his adventure. With Alice.

< -- End as_ep3_16_008 text -- >

as_ep3_16_008 Read by Steve

Steve and friends read Steve Howard's Ali Sam - Erapa. Open Source Movie Challenge

Ali Sam - Erapa


< -- Start as_ep3_16_009 text -- >

Joey Punchcard was in charge of keeping records. He knew everything that was going on in the spaceship. Joey knew what everyone ate at breakfast. He knew who would go to the washroom after breakfast. He knew within a few minutes when Bobby and Archie would start fighting about a scrabble word that wasn’t a word. ...

... Randy waited. Joey was caught in a loop. He didn’t have an answer. Randy figured out what it was. Joey couldn’t read.
“Okay. But I don’t read too good.”
Joey pulled his feet up to his butt on his chair and nodded. He was ready.

< -- End as_ep3_16_009 text -- >

as_ep3_16_009 read by Steve

Steve and friends read Steve Howard's Ali Sam - Erapa. Open Source Movie Challenge

Ali Sam - Erapa


< -- Start as_ep3_16_010 text -- >

The sun, the planets and the moons are all made of the same stardust. As am I and the rest of these travelers. Is this significant. Randy couldn’t reckon. But he did find it interesting. He had never thought so far away before. He knew about the sun and moon. There were Mars and Saturn, he had known that much already. He knew the earth wasn’t flat like some idiots liked to pretend. ...

... Upon ending a chapter and closing the book for a while, Randy looked up to see the lawyer smile at him. He never stayed long. He listened and sometimes said something to the captain. Then got up and left.

< -- End as_ep3_16_010 text -- >

as_ep3_16_010 read by Stewart

Steve and friends read Steve Howard's Ali Sam - Erapa. Open Source Movie Challenge

... go on to chapter 17.    chapters front page           back to: